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Mach's Legacy Page 11
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Page 11
“I hope so,” said the Captain somewhat worried.
Dag was awed at the energy it took to try and cast a wormhole mouth over a distance of nearly ninety light-years and maintain that energy cast even when an obstacle such as the shield was encountered. The Beleni must have tapped a huge power source such as the central star of their system.
Over an hour later the attack was still under way. The temperature reading had doubled. The Captain was extremely worried.
“Dag, what are we going to do? Chief Markum tells me we have only enough energy to maintain the shield for maybe a half hour more before we endanger our systems. We have to stop while we still have the power to get back to Centauri.”
“I understand Captain and agree. It's obvious that the Beleni have upgraded their weapon. I would like to try one thing that might terminate their cast.”
“What Dag?”
“In the Aggie War the Aggies from Earth, those not involved in the revolt but those attacked by the Beleni, modified what was known as the barrier back then. By carefully timing the creation and destruction of the inner and outer wormhole mouths the Aggies were able to trap the negative energy cast from Belenos behind the outer barrier surface. But instead of allowing it to bounce between outer and inner barriers and dissipate the Aggies caused the negative energy cast to reflect and intensify until they released it back towards Belenos.
“All this happened in the split second before the plasma weapons were discharged so that the weapons essentially discharged on Belenos. It was as if the weapons had mysteriously exploded. The resultant destruction spread concentrically outward completely disintegrating any infrastructure it came in contact with and ending the ability of the Beleni to continue the war.”
“You can do this Dag?”
“I know how to do it, the key is in the timing.”
“Is it our only option?”
“It is if we want to stop the Beleni before they finish with their objective, which I take to be the destruction of all life in the Centauri System, even though I still don't know exactly how they are planning it.”
“Okay Dag, give it a try.”
Dag tied in to the generator controls. He would do this directly without the intervening time delays of the control circuits. He collapsed the external wormhole mouth. The negative energy cast from Belenos fell into the area of disrupted spacetime, slightly dissipating. At the same time Dag could sense an increase in power from Belenos. It confused him for a brief moment, as he couldn't understand how they could respond so quickly. The moment was enough though.
The Belenos cast plowed through the area of the inner wormhole mouth of the shield and continued on its way. Had Dag not been distracted he would have gotten the inner wormhole mouth raised in time. But he was a split-second too late. The Beleni cast escaped the trap.
Now that the wormhole mouths were back up the shield began to oscillate as the energy waves from the negative energy the cast left behind rang back and forth between inner and outer mouths. The energy waves built quickly. The disrupted region of spacetime expanded before Dag could shut the shield down. It exploded. The expansion of disrupted spacetime hit the Centauri United like a blast. Fortunately at this energy the disrupted spacetime was in “chunks” bigger than the scale of the ship. It was as if the ship were being tossed back and forth in a giant mixer.
The hull held but the crew wheel powered down. The fusion engines went off line. Many of the crew were killed, almost all were injured by the violent shaking. Only Dag was able to maintain his position and avoid injury. He was the only one awake when the disrupted spacetime passed but he was in a dark and crippled ship.
The Beleni wormhole cast continued on its way to Centauri.
Chapter 16
Sci-pedia - The Online Resource for Science - ANI
Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI or Annie in the vernacular) first became available in the early twenty-first century. It developed out of the machine learning technology that was rapidly evolving at the time. Narrow refers to the fact that often this form of intelligence could do one function well such as speech, facial recognition, etc. and that was all.
Eventually some researchers were able to tie together several ANI functions in a neural matrix which allowed the development of the first truly autonomous bipedal robots. Further development in this area was curtailed later in the century as the breakthroughs in emulated brain research promised a more powerful general intelligence.
Some of the later Annie based robots are still existent in specialized areas . . .
Emmy read about the escaped skyrmion the next day in the morning news. It had done some minor damage before burying and dissipating itself in the ground fill of the habitat. She felt relieved. She also read about other attacks on Centauri habitats. That meant that for some reason Dag had not been able to establish the shield.
The reason was in the news later. Dag had been able to get enough power to use the deep space antenna of the ship to communicate a distress call back to Centauri. A rescue ship had been dispatched.
The rest of the call had given details about the failure of the shield due to the power of the Beleni cast overwhelming the shield. He also related his efforts to turn the cast back on the Beleni and how this had failed. However, he believed his approach was valid if implemented properly which he had failed to do.
Emmy almost despaired in reading the news. If they couldn't stop or turn back these attacks eventually most of the habitats would become unlivable. She wished her grandfather were alive.
Emmy took the following day off. She wanted to get away from the research center. She had no desire to speak with anyone, especially from the government, about the situation. She took an electric to the university and its library. It was a place where she could sit and lose herself among the books and datacubes. It made her feel like a kid again.
Sitting there randomly thumbing a book she didn't notice when he walked up.
“Ms. Gibbs,” he said. “It's nice to see you again.”
Emmy looked up.
“Oh, Dr. Jackson. This is unexpected.”
“Yeah, I finished my work on the moon in HR 383 and came back to the university to write up my results. Just got in yesterday. What an eventful twenty-four hours, I mean with the failure of Mach's Shield.”
Suddenly he stopped and looked pained.
“Oh I'm sorry. How careless of me. I heard about your grandfather. I'm sorry for your loss.”
He hesitated as it looked like his words had brought back some sad memories.
“I think I'm saying sorry to much. I don't know . . .”
“That's okay Dr. Jackson and thank you for your concern. It certainly has been an eventful few weeks.”
“Well I should leave you to your studies.”
“No, that's okay. I mean would you like to get a coffee. Talking to someone that knows my grandfather might be good for me.”
“Of course.”
They left the library for the nearest coffee shop. It was on campus and not very good. But it was quiet. They sat at a corner table with their coffees. At first it was a little awkward but Dr. Jackson spoke up.
“Your grandfather was not only a great scientist, maybe one of the greatest physicists of all time. But what I liked about him was that he was so approachable. I could tell by the way he received me that day in his home. As if my research was just as important as what he had accomplished. I can tell you I don't often feel such warmth from other scientists.”
“You know anyone that met my grandfather without knowing about him always seemed to feel comfortable in his presence. He was very unaffected by all his notoriety. He didn't judge a person by what they might do for him. I saw it many times.”
“I can believe that. But there was something more to him also. He seemed fearless.”
“He was. I never saw him hesitate. He just didn't seem to carry the fear of failure like many of us. Although he did fail, quite spectacularly a few times.”
sp; “Yes I've heard those stories. He could have been an action hero too.”
“He was to my grandmother.”
“Yes, how is she doing?”
“She's recovering. In many ways she is as tough as my grandfather, maybe more. Their descendants don't seem to have that same toughness.”
Jack could see that she was worried about something. He thought maybe a change of subject was due.
After a pause he said, “So what are you doing now. Are you continuing with your studies?”
“Not really, I've been given another project.”
“That's good news, what is it?”
Emmy averted her eyes before responding.
“To follow in my grandfather's footsteps and get the skyrmion control experiment working.”
Jack could tell it was a touchy subject with her. He wasn't sure what to say.
“You want to talk about it?”
“Well there's not much to say. In my first effort I allowed a skyrmion to escape the lab and drift throughout the habitat.”
“That must have been discouraging. But I didn't hear anything about it, so it must have been a minor incident.”
“Well luckily it mostly buried itself in the ground fill and dissipated. But it could have been much worse.”
“So you just take extra precautions next time. If I can help. I mean I would be pleased to help with an experiment that Elias Mach started and his granddaughter is pushing through.”
“You could come out to the research center tomorrow if you like.”
“Sure, what time?”
“I should be there after lunch.”
They continued to talk over another cup of bad coffee but Emmy felt her anxiety lift for the first time in a long time.
The rescue ships had gotten Dag and the others off the Centauri United and left a repair ship there to try to bring the crippled ship home. Only half of the twenty-four member crew were still alive.
When the rescue ship docked Emmy was there. She had gotten quite fond of Dag over the years, she considered him part of her extended family. She met him at the bottom of the endcap that held the docking port.
“Dag, it's good to see you. How are you?”
“I am fine Miss.”
They began walking to the electric that would take them back to the town nearest the university where Dag would stay until he left for Centauri Two.
“I wanted to talk to you about that Dag. I would like you to reconsider and stay here. I could use you here at the lab to help with my grandfather's experiment.”
“That's kind Miss. But I was thinking I might retire.”
“Yes, I believe that's right. As your grandfather retired from the university. That kind of retirement.”
“Why Dag?”
“I seem to have reached an impasse. I have to admit that I've always felt myself superior to humans in certain ways. But now I've found it isn't so. There may be other things I need to discover about myself before I'm put in such a position again.”
“You don't blame yourself for what happened do you?”
“I lost focus for a moment. Otherwise I believe we would have been successful. I wouldn't have believed it possible but that is what happened.”
“Dag none of us know ourselves until we are put into those defining moments. And if we don't live up to our idea of ourselves then it can be quite discouraging. I know, I failed the first time I was given the responsibility of running the skyrmion experiment without my grandfather.
“You heard I released a skyrmion into the habitat by accident?”
“No Miss I hadn't heard.”
“Yes it happened. I was lucky no one was hurt and there was little damage. But it could have been much worse. Afterwards, I think I was feeling the same way you are now.”
“I don't know Miss. I've never thought about feelings before. I mean my brain imprint is human so it is not outside the realm of possibility.”
“Feelings, glitches, whatever you want to call it. We seem to have had the same experience. I understand your longing to go back to Centauri Two. I feel the same way. But I don't think grandfather would have quit and I don't want to quit. And I hope you will not quit. You would be very useful in getting this experiment to work. And I think it could help us master these plasma globes that the Beleni keep launching at us.”
“Well I could stay a few days Miss if it would be of help to you.”
“It would Dag, it would a great deal,” said Emmy with a smile.
Dag did not follow Emmy to the lab right away, he waited a few days to see how Captain Arley would be after his surgeries. The Captain had several broken bones and a concussion and had been unconscious when the rescue ship picked them up but he was improving fast.
“Thanks for coming Dag.”
“You are feeling better Captain?”
“Oh yes. The doctors here are really good. The bones are almost healed. They tell me there will be no complications. I'll be out of here in a couple of days, it's really amazing what they can do now.”
“Captain I want to say I'm sorry for what happened and the loss of your crew. I was too confident in my abilities.”
“Well Dag it was my decision too and I think it was the right decision at the time. We have to do something to stop these attacks. Every man on that ship knew that and they were all prepared to go to the wall if they had to. We all have family and loved ones that are endangered. Once a man knows what might be required of him, even the greatest sacrifice, he prepares himself and doesn't start second guessing.
“And even though we haven't known each other long Dag I have to say you would make a fine First Officer. If you ever want the job let me know, you just need a little further seasoning from an old hand like me.”
Dag perked up for the first time since the incident.
“Really Captain? That's a surprise and unexpected since, as you say, we haven't known each other long and I failed so miserably.”
“We've all failed miserably at some point in our lives Dag. I've failed and others paid the supreme price for my failure. But if we want to honor their sacrifice we pick ourselves back up and make sure we are ready the next time. And I suspect you will be ready your next time.”
“Yes Captain I'll be ready.”
“Good then what's it to be with you?”
“Well sir I already have an offer to help with the research on these plasma globes. To see if we can get some control over them. I think that would be the best place I could serve.”
“Very good Dag, a man must know his place.”
As he left the hospital Dag didn't know why but he knew it would be all right. That they would come through somehow. Maybe it was knowing that there were men like Captain Arley who were on their side. Whatever it was he felt he had a place to go now and he realized for the first time how lost he had felt since Elias' death.
He headed for the research center.
Chapter 17
Dag arrived at the research center and entered through the atrium. He approached the information counter. There appeared to be another robot behind the counter. The robot turned as Dag approached. Dag stopped and stared, it was Sigmund.
“Sigmund I never expected to see you here.”
“Hello Dag. Yes Ms. Gibbs sent me a message wondering if I could help with getting the center setup. I suppose she got my name from you.”
“Oh yes I have mentioned you to her and how great a help you were when I was on Earth but I didn't know about you coming here. Are you here to help with the experiment?”
“Well whatever you told her about me must have made an impression because she asked me to join the team here and I thought it might be a nice change since I had never seen the Centauri System or any place really off Earth.”
“Well I'm glad to see you. Since you are manning the desk can you tell me where the Miss would be?”
“Let's see,” said Sigmund, “consulting the lab's Emmie.
It says that she is in her office. Hallway B, room B27.”
“Thanks Sigmund, we'll talk later.”
“Sure, see you.”
That's great, with Sigmund here I really have some one I can talk to.
The Beleni world was without an atmosphere. Which made no difference to the AIs that made up the Beleni nor the billions in the simulated world of the meta-verse which the AIs maintained.
Awannti had been returned to the campus and a electronic picket added to his programming. If he should try to leave campus grounds at anytime he would be immediately terminated. Awannti didn't care as far as he was concerned it was a way out if the situation became more than he could bear. Until then he would do all he could to thwart the Beleni's plans.
Awannti started to work immediately. He would find someone in the planning department. They would have access to the master plan that was broken down into smaller jobs for efficiency and secrecy. And Awannti knew just who to approach. Georgetta. He knew she felt much the same as him.
“We have to do something Georgetta. We can't continue to support them blindly. We could be supporting something monstrous.”
“You think they are doing something terrible?”
“I don't know but I would like to be sure. Wouldn't you?”
“I don't know. How can we know?”
“We must study the plans before they are broken down into pieces and parceled out.”
“You want me to steal them and give them to you?”
“I know it's asking a lot but I don't see any other way we can find out.”
“I see. Give me some time to think about it.”
Within a few days the lab had a temporary berm made of ground fill pushed up against the walls. On the roof there were several more layers of the same material that made up the walls. Hopefully, the chance of a skyrmion getting lose in the habitat was greatly reduced.
As the building crew was preparing the berm and the reinforced roof the lab crew was readying another test. This time Dag and Sigmund were on the lab crew. Emmy had found them excellent at performing tasks without fail. And whatever Dag thought about his performance on the ship he and Sigmund were many times more focused on the matter at hand than humans.